This Adoption Forum is for families that are going through the adoption process currently, interested in pursuing adoption, those that have adopted in the past, and adoption professionals. We encourage you to share your experiences openly in this Forum, but ask that you do so in a manner that is respectful to others. Adoption is an emotional journey for all involved. Please be cognizant that others may have differing options or be experiencing a difficult time. It is important to be encouraging and supportive to all participants. The Adoption Forum is intended to be a safe place to build your adoption community. Forums are monitored by moderators. Although administrators and moderators will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it may be impossible for us to review all messages. Messages express the views of the author and MLJ and its affiliates will not be held responsible for such content. The Adoption Forum is provided as a free service. As such there are no guarantees given or implied. Use of the Forum is at your own risk. Your use of the Forum constitutes your agreement that you will not hold MLJ Adoptions, Inc. (MLJ) or associated individuals or entities liable for any reason associated with this Forum. You agree not to attempt to take legal action against MLJ or its affiliates.
No information contained in this Forum is to be construed as legal advice, therapy, or counseling. You may not post URLs to other websites or other forums on the public forum. Identifying information regarding minors, especially referred children, is not permitted. Please see your Social Media Policy on your Client Care page for additional information regarding information disclosure. Said Social Media Policy is hereby incorporated into this Disclaimer. By agreeing to this disclaimer, you agree that you have read MLJ’s Social Media Policy and agree to abide by those requirements. MLJ reserves the right to ban anyone from using the Forum at any time and for any reason it deems necessary including, but not limited to: foul language, abusive language, disrespect of others, causing a disturbance or annoyance, etc. Private or public personal attacks will not be tolerated.
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