4 Reasons to Participate in an Orphan Hosting Program this Summer


ukraine summer hostingMLJ Adoptions will be bringing 12 Ukrainian children to the U.S. from July 11 – August 5, 2016 for our 2016 Summer Hosting Program. We are excited about this opportunity for the children to travel to the U.S., taking a break from institutional life and spending time with a host family. There are many reasons to participate in this year’s summer hosting as a host family or as a donor. Below you will find four reasons why your family may consider participating in orphan hosting this summer.

  1. Offers an institutionalized child the opportunity to feel the love of a family. The children coming to visit with our hosting program are older children, over the age of six. As children age, they are much less likely to be adopted and are therefore much more likely to go through their entire childhood in an institution. Children without families and support often age out of orphanage without necessary life skills. Children who age out of orphanages face an uncertain and often dismal future. These children may have never had healthy family relationships modeled for them. Hosting allows a child to experience family life for a few weeks. Even if the hosting experience does not lead to an adoption, this experience could have a significant and lasting positive impact on the host child.
  2. Provides an opportunity for advocacy for older children in need of families. This experience for the host family often opens the eyes of the whole family to the plight of these older children. It is often the case that the host family comes to the realization that these children are just that, children. Children that need attention, love and a sense of belonging. Hosting opportunities do not always lead to adoption, but they do always lead to a ripple effect of advocacy. After a hosting experience, the host family merely telling their story may spark an interest in another family. We have seen this first hand many times, where a prior host family led other families to host or adopt just because they shared their story.
  3. Offers an opportunity for the host family to experience first-hand an orphan’s plight. I find it so interesting to see how the hosting experience impacts a whole family, including host siblings. Our children in the U.S. may know that there are children in need, but it is something altogether different to live to have shared experiences with child in need. Once you know a child in need, there is no going back, that experience is lasting for the whole family.
  4. There is no time like the present. Hosting may be something that you have heard about and may have even considered doing yourself, when the time was right. There is no perfect time to host or adopt, we are always busy and will have reasons not to move forward. But, if becoming a host family or adopting an older child is on our heart, there are 12 children in need coming to the Indianapolis area this summer. We are still seeking a few more host families for these children. For others who want to support our host families led to this, you may also consider donating to the cause.

MLJ Adoptions is gearing up to welcome these 12 precious kids this summer, and we would love for your family be a part of it! For more information, please contact Lydia.

Nicole Skellenger works as MLJ Adoptions’ Chief Executive Officer and Adoption Attorney. Nicole has spent time in orphanages with children who have nothing and are desperate for affection and has committed herself to using her skills to create better futures for these deserving children.