Adopting from Mexico Requires Understanding of Geography


Mexico, like the United States, separates and governs itself by states. There are 31 federated states in Mexico, each varies in how they process adoptions and oversee child welfare. MLJ Adoptions is currently assisting families with their adoptions from the States of Hidalgo and Yucatan. Three of the referrals our families have received have been issued in the State of Hidalgo and a fourth has been from Yucatan.  We hope to be able to expand to other Mexican states so that we can serve more children in need of families.

IMG_3529Hidalgo is comprised of 84 municipalities and the capital city is Pachuca de Soto. Hidalgo is one of the smaller states in Mexico, but there are many attractions that could be of interest while you wait for the adoption process to move forward. Visiting these locations can also help you to get to know the culture from which you are adopting and it can create memories which you can later share with your child or children. There may also be time on the required trips to see the sights and familiarize yourself with your child’s birth country and state. The ease of travel is a reason to consider adopting from Mexico.

Pachuca has been a very important mining area for Mexico. Many of the tourist destinations revolve around mining and its history. Much of this history can be seen by visiting the main street named Calle Hidalgo where you can find the main plaza and original homes. The Monumental Clock (Reloj Monumental) is one of the highlights of the city. It was built to commemorate the Centennial of Mexico’s Independence and was finished in 1910.

In the Mina de Acosta (Acosta Mine) you will find an open air and subterranean mining museum. It is located very near Pachuca in the village of Real del Monte. Guided tours of the mine are available and exploring the quaint village would also be worth your time.

At the base of the La Magdalena Mountain you can find the Real del Monte Orfebres building, which used to be the location for the School of Silversmithing and now houses exhibitions and the sale of Mexican silver jewelry and crafts.

On the Central Plaza in Pachuca you will find the Barreteros Market. It is a two story building whose architecture is considered to be one of the most valuable buildings in the city. Restaurants and cafes fill the first floor while the second floor has arts and crafts shops.

These are only some of the attractions and places of interest found in the State of Hidalgo. For more information you can visit Trip Advisor.

Since adoption from Mexico is mostly adoption of older children, the child you adopt may have memories of traveling within Mexico of their own that they will be able to share with you. Having positive memories of his or her birth country will be important as you foster his or her cultural heritage.

For more information on adopting from Mexico, please contact us.

Adriana Tebbe is the Latin America Program Coordinator for MLJ Adoptions. With nearly a decade in social work experience, Adriana enjoys watching children from hard places, both domestically and internationally, thrive when they are given the opportunity to develop relationships with adults and families.