We are excited to announce that we will be holding our 2nd Annual Celebrating Africa Party! We invite you to join the MLJ team, Marie, and other families as we celebrate the rich and unique culture of Africa!
Our annual family event will be full of fun activities such as crafts, story telling, dancing, art, and of course food!
This is a great opportunity to connect with other families and stay active in an adoption network. Talk with those who are currently in the adoption process, or who have brought their children home from Congo. This is also a wonderful time to celebrate your child’s birth country. Share your experiences with others, and learn more about the exciting world of Africa!
Be sure to bring the whole family for a day of fun!
When:February 23, 2013
Time: 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Where: MLJ Adoptions, Inc.
617 E. North Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
MLJ will be providing drinks and a main dish. Please bring a dish of your choice for a pitch-in and we encourage you to try and bring an African inspired dish! Please click here to RSVP.
Make a weekend of it! On Friday and Saturday we offer classes and seminars to help answer prospective clients questions, fufill education courses, and to learn more about African culture! Please RSVP to each specific class or seminar you plan to attend.
Friday, February 22, 2013
- Afro-Caribbean Hair & Skin Care 11:30 AM (if you are a client please sign up on client care, if not please use calendar to RSVP)
- Initial Adoption Information 11:30 AM
- Affording Adoption 1:40 PM
- Traveling to DRCongo 1:40 PM
- Home Study 101 3:10 PM
- African/Black Culture Class 3:10 PM (if you are a client please sign up on client care, if not please use calendar to RSVP
Saturday, February 23, 2013
- Child Development & Adoption 9:00 AM (if you are a client please sign up on client care, if not please use calendar to RSVP)
- Stress & Adoption 11:30 AM (if you are a client please sign up on client care, if not please use calendar to RSVP)
- Sensory Play Techniques with OT Candice Thompson 11:30 AM
Then join us for our Celebrating Africa Party at 2:00!
For more information about MLJ Adoptions’ international adoption programs, please click here.