Children’s Book Review: Chosen by Love


chosen by loveHaving just written a blog on “sacrificial saving” for your adoption, I confess my downfall is believing books are needs and not wants!  So, when I discovered an adoption book for children that did not grace my bookshelf, I entered the EBay world.

Chosen By Love, written by Tom Jaski, is a faith-based story about Chloe’s hurtful experience on the school bus.  The author is a pastor, attorney, and adoptive father.  As Chloe is riding home one day on the school bus, kids begin to make fun of her because she looks different from her family.  Of course, she comes home with a slam of the door and a scowl on her face. Chloe’s mother uses this opportunity to share that she too is adopted – spiritually adopted by God.  Each page contains Bible verses to support her explanation so that Chloe can grasp the spiritual concept of salvation and adoption in Christ.  Near the end of her mother’s account, she compares God’s promise to meet all His children’s needs with their commitment to forever, promise to provide for all of Chloe’s needs.

My eleven-year old daughter enjoyed the analogy of physical and spiritual adoption.  She liked the soft, muted, water-color like illustrations of mostly pink, blue, and green.  However, my ten-year old son said he would have preferred more real-to-life illustrations.  It bothered him that Chloe’s physical appearance does not look much different than her mother. Our family consensus was that this would be a helpful book for young, school-aged children.  Unintentional, insensitive comments happen to everyone, and Chloe’s story can give the adopted child tools to handle those unfortunate situations.

The back cover has information about an adoption ministry founded by the author’s wife.  Don’t be disappointed that the website appears to be inactive.  Additional information can be found at the author’s personal website,

Do you have a favorite children’s book about adoption? We would love to hear about it. Join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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Camie serves as MLJ Adoption's Financial Resources Coordinator. She successfully raised over $50,000 for the adoption of her two daughters from Vietnam. Camie is a pastor’s wife, busy mother of five, educator, and advocate for the fatherless.