Every child has the fundamental human right to grow up in a loving, permanent home where their physical and emotional needs can be met. Around the world, there are many children waiting to be adopted into a permanent home simply because they have a special need. These special needs can be quite minor, while others can be more serious. Children with special needs may also include healthy older children or children who are part of a sibling group. Children with special needs have a reduced chance to be adopted and some may never experience the love and care of a family.
The staff of MLJ Adoptions fervently believes that all children deserve a family and to increase the chances that these harder to place children find a home, we are introducing our Waiting Child Photo Listing. The children featured in our photo listing are all waiting, and hoping, for a family. Without a family, these children will go without the medical care they need and the emotional attention they deserve. Adoption changes the lives of children, but when adopting a child with special needs, adoption may save a child’s life.
Families foster a child’s development and ensure that a child has a place to belong. Families are where children begin to learn their identity and start to navigate their place in the world. These beautiful children are not victims, but survivors of difficult circumstances; they deserve to be raised in loving families to help them reach their full potential. MLJ Adoptions is committed to helping children find the families they deserve and to providing the families with the support that they need before, during and after adoption.
We invite you to learn more about our Special Needs Program. To get started, visit our Waiting Children page and request a password to gain access to the photo listing. The page is password protected in order to protect the privacy of the children. A password will be sent to your email and you will be able to log in and view photos and information for children who are currently waiting on a family. Perhaps that family is you!
If you are interested in seeing more information about any of the children listed, please email Caitlin at info@mljadoptions.com. The information available for each child is variable and dependent on the information that MLJ Adoptions has been given by our partner organizations in the child’s native country.
For more information on any of our international adoption programs, please contact us.
Photo Credit: David Castillo Dominici/Freedigitalphotos.net