MLJ Provides China Home Study for Indiana Residents


china home studyEven as the landscape of international adoption changes from year to year, one thing remains the same – more American families adopt from China than any other country in the world. In 2013, American families adopted 2.306 children from China. The second most popular country for American families to adopt from was Ethiopia, but in 2013, less than 1,000 children were adopted by American families.

MLJ Adoptions does not have an adoption program in China, but if you live in Indiana, we can help you adopt from China by completing your China Home Study. MLJ Adoptions is a Hague-Accredited adoption service provider licensed to complete home studies in Indiana. We are happy to complete home studies for Indiana residents regardless of what country your family has chosen to adopt from. In 2015 alone, our social services team assisted five families in completing their home studies for their China international adoptions.

Steps to Complete Your China Home Study with MLJ

The first step to complete your China Home Study with MLJ Adoptions is to fill out your Home Study Application. Once your family’s application is approved, submitting a Home Study Agreement and corresponding payment is necessary to begin working on the home study. Once you have submitted the appropriate documents and have become an MLJ Adoptions’ Family, you will receive a list of documents necessary to for your Home Study Binder. These documents are not only MLJ Adoptions’ requirements, but are requirements set by the state of Indiana and China’s adoption authority. It is essential to partner with a home study agency licensed in your state of residence, and also familiar with China’s requirements.

Most families spend about a month gathering the documents necessary for the Home Study Binder. If you’re adopting from China, your home study binder may have several additional documents, including a document verifying your body mass index (BMI) falls in a specific range, a requirement set by China for prospective adoptive families. Once the binder is complete, it is submitted to MLJ Adoptions and assigned to a Home Study Assistant. The Home Study Assistant assigned to your family will reach out to you and schedule your first home visit. China requires up to four in person meetings and has specific details about the timeline of these visits. Your Home Study Assistant will be able to help you schedule the visits so that they fulfill these requirements.

Timeline to Complete Your China Home Study

From start to finish, home studies for families adopting from China can take one to three months depending on quickly your family can gather documents and schedule home visits. While the home study process is intense and the paperwork seems endless, it is important to remember that once your child is in your family, it is all worth it!

For more information on our Indiana home study services, please contact us.

Caitlin Snyder works as the Director of Marketing and Outreach for MLJ Adoptions. Working in international adoption has given Caitlin the unique opportunity to pursue both a passion to advocate on behalf of vulnerable people and a profession at the same time.