Debbie Jasper joined MLJ Adoptions International in July of 2019 as the new Director of Social Services. Debbie received her undergraduate degree from Ball State University with a major in social work and later completed her graduate degree at Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis where she earned a master’s degree in Social Work. Debbie is a native of Indianapolis, IN and returned to her hometown in 2001 after supporting her husband’s 20-year military career. As a military family she had the opportunity to live in numerous US states and abroad where she gained employment experiences in child welfare working primarily in foster care and adoption services. Previous employment experiences include providing home study services to families adopting through domestic and international programs, counseling birth families and licensing foster care homes. She came to MLJ after serving 18 years as Director of Foster Care and Adoption Services at a large state-wide private, non-for-profit child welfare agency in Indiana. Debbie is a licensed clinical social worker in Indiana and has been a trainer in Indiana for the Training for Adoption Competency (TAC) curriculum developed through the Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.) in Baltimore, MD. She has been married to her husband, Chad, for 39 years and has one daughter and two beautiful granddaughters who reside in Louisiana. In her free time she enjoys hiking, taking her dogs to the dog park, crafting jewelry, meet ups with friends, and of course visiting her family in Louisiana.