Rooted in the Christian faith is the commandment to look out for those in need. Throughout the Bible, various scripture passages call attention to the importance of caring specifically for the orphan child. The Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) coordinates a special initiative called Orphan Sunday.
The first Sunday in November, across the globe, churches stand together to defend the cause of the orphan. Churches use this Sunday to share information with their congregations about the plight of the orphan, host special events to raise money and awareness for an orphan care ministry or simply pray over the world’s most vulnerable children. CAFO believes there is power in Christians and churches standing together, united, with one voice on behalf of children whose voices go unheard. This year, Orphan Sunday is November 2nd.
Orphan Sunday occurs in over 50 countries worldwide and is endorsed by over 150 organizations. There are churches in Eastern Europe and Africa advocating for the orphan by serving on the front lines of family preservation in order to be proactive in caring for children. This is true in the United States as well in programs such as Safe Families. CAFO acknowledges that there are countless ways to advocate for the orphan and to defend the cause of the fatherless.
Woven into the call to Christians to care for the orphan is the language of adoption. According to the Abba Fund, there are between 40 and 50 million children who are legally free for adoption worldwide and at least 800 million Christians globally; if 6% of Christians adopted children, every child who is legally free for adoption would live in a forever family. While not every family is called to adoption, there is something that every family can do for children in need locally, nationally and globally. CAFO has created a number of resources available for families. These resources include ideas for how families can advocate for the orphan as part of Orphan Sunday, but also every other day of the year.
MLJ Adoptions is not a religiously affiliated organization, but we proudly support religious organizations advocating for the orphan and adoption. If your church is participating in an Orphan Sunday event, we would love to learn more and potentially come alongside you as you share about your passion for adoption. If your church or religious organization does not currently have an Orphan Care Ministry, but you are interested in starting one, please check out our Orphan Care Ministry Guide. Please contact us for more ways that we can assist you as you advocate for the orphan.