Here’s the first of our client blogs from our blog contest!
Children are dying from malnutrition, taken into slave labor, used for wars, and worse all over our world. To be more accurate there are 147 million children that are in these situations or in orphanages with adequate or less than adequate care. These children did not choose to be orphans, they did not choose to be born into the situations, but they are, and they need help. Our heart breaks when we see these faces when we read about these situations. However, Adoption for us is not about rescuing children, although I suppose that is a reality. Instead, adoption for us is about loving more children. You see, we have already been blessed with three beautiful biological children but we continue to desire to add children to our family. Although we are unable to have more children biologically, infertility is not a driving force behind our desire to adopt.
For me, I’ve always had a passion for adoption. There are so many children in the world that need loving and stable families and it’s been my desire to provide a forever home to these children for a long time. However, my husband and I have not always been on the same page. For a while, he was very resistant to the idea and I realized that the more I badgered him about the subject the more conflict I caused, so I had to let it go and pray that eventually he would come around. And come around he did, in his own time and boy, oh boy, what a surprise it was to me when he finally said, Yes, let’s pursue adoption. So for us, adoption is not plan B or an alternate solution – it is plan A, to love on more children.
Simply said, we LOVE children! God has blessed us with three already and they are such a huge blessing to our lives. We love to camp together, play together, have tickle monster wars, vacation together and list goes on. The joy that they bring to our lives goes on and on. But some might wonder, if you have three already, why add more? And the answer for us is simple we LOVE children and there are 147 million children in the world that need loving homes, so doesn’t that make us the perfect fit!?!?!