Burkina Faso is MLJ Adoptions’ newest adoption program. It’s a country about the size of Colorado located in Western Africa. Even though it is home to 18 million people, the country is not yet a household name. Today, we introduce you to the newest country we have the privilege of serving.
Where is Burkina Faso located?
Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located in the middle of Western Africa. It is surrounded by six countries –Ghana, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger and Togo. They have an agriculture and industrial economy producing cotton, peanuts, corn, rice, livestock, soap, cigarettes, and textiles.
What language do the people who live in Burkina Faso speak?
The Burkinabe people speak French in addition to several ethnic languages. The country was colonized by the French, who remained in power until the 1980s. Currently, there is still a large French influence, and the country is home to numerous ethnic groups who practice a variety of religions.
What is the age demographic of the population of Burkina Faso?
While the population is home to 18 million people, 65% of the population is under the age of 25. That is roughly 11.7 million people under the age of 25, with the median age for the country being 17 years old. The country’s population growth rate is just over 3%, making its population the 11th fastest growing population in the world. Life expectancy for a person born in Burkina Faso is just under 55 years.
What is life like for a child in Burkina Faso?
Given that 65% of the population of the country is under the age of 25, there are a lot of kids! Thirty-eight percent of children aged five to fourteen participate in some form of child labor. Burkina Faso has the 14th highest mortality rate in the world for children under the age of 5 and over a quarter of children under the age of 5 are underweight. For the children who are able to attend school, education expenditures for the country are some of the lowest in the world, and only 67% of children attend primary school.
Why should I adopt from Burkina Faso?
There are 800,000 orphaned children in Burkina Faso. The degree of risk to major infectious diseases is very high. The unemployment rate is 77%. In addition to the need, Burkina Faso has a legacy of international adoption, specifically to Europe, and is party to the Hague Convention, meaning it is committed to processing adoptions ethically and transparently.
We welcome the opportunity to share more about adopting from Burkina Faso. Please contact us for more information.
Statistics taken from CIA World Factbook
Photo Credit: Eric Montfort