(Pictured left in photo)
Born: December 2003
Gender: Female
Location: Eastern Europe
Bessie is a friendly and helpful fourteen year old girl. She enjoys dancing, singing, listening to music, and drawing. She’s very competitive, and has a difficult time accepting a loss. She makes friends easily and enjoys participating in group activities. Even though she gets distracted easily, Bessie does well in school, and is eager to learn new information. Bessie and her sister, Margo, will be adopted together.
(Pictured right in photo)
Born: January 2002
Gender: Female
Location: Eastern Europe
Margo is a joyful and calm sixteen year old girl. She enjoys singing, listening to music, watching television and drawing. Margo makes new friends easily and likes to work in groups. She’s friendly towards her classmates and respects her teacher. Margo will be adopted with her younger sister, Bessie.
In addition to being considered for a MLJ Adoptions Special Needs grant, families interested in adopting Bessie & Margo may also be eligible to receive a reduction in program country fees.
If you’re not a MLJ Adoptions family and would like more information, please contact Caitlin at info@mljadoptions.com. If you’re currently an MLJ Adoptions family and would like more information, please contact your Program Director. MLJ Adoptions is happy to share information with families about children on the Waiting Child Photolisting, but until a family has a completed home study, we are not able to make efforts towards placing a child’s file on hold.