November 1, 2013
November is Adoption Month. In honor of this we’ve come up with 30 things you can do during the month of November to celebrate Adoption Month!
- Spread the word about Orphan Sunday
- Give your child’s teachers the Teacher’s Resource guide. You can find it here.
- Encourage employers in your area to establish adoption benefits
- Use an adoption themed Facebook cover. You can find some on our Adoption Fun page
- Watch adoption documentary “Stuck”
- Nominate a person or organization for Angel in Adoption for 2014
- Attend and encourage others to participate in Initial Adoption Information seminar held online.
- Work on your child’s LifeBook.
- Start a conversation about adoption on social media – be sure to include the hashtag: #adoption.
- Purchase fundraising items to help others raise funds for their adoption. Find them on Etsy.
- Attend an adoption conference.
- Ask your local library to set up a display of adoption-themed books
- Read a new adoption book.
- Donate adoption themed book to your library or school.
- Look into Children’s in Families First Legislation.
- Start an Orphan Ministry at your church.
- Advocate for adoption with your senator or representative.
- Volunteer with MLJ.
- Sport some MLJ Gear
- Set up a booth at local high school football game (or other sporting/school events) to raise awareness. MLJ can provide informational packets, flyers, etc.
- Start a conversation with your family about adoption themes on televsion.
- Put together a fundraising effort and donate collected money to adoption or orphan organizations.
- Write an adoption related blog for MLJ to post and send to Sheri.
- Check out our adoption Pinterest boards or create your own boards.
- Print and cut out flag bunting from our Fun page to decorate the house during November
- Watch a movie with an adoption theme
- Have your family take a picture with CARL & send it to us to put up on facebook
- Vote on our celebrating adoption photo contest (stay tuned for details!)
- Talk about who the orphan really is
- Be an advocate: Join the hope for DRC fb page
Let us know what you and your family chose to do during November; we’d love to hear from you! if you have any ideas on how to further celebrate Adoption Month and bring awareness to adoption please share with us.
Photo Credit: Bre