30 Things To Do During Adoption Month


social orphanNovember is Adoption Month. In honor of this we’ve come up with 30 things you can do during the month of November to celebrate Adoption Month!

  1. Spread the word about Orphan Sunday
  2. Give your child’s teachers the Teacher’s Resource guide. You can find it here.
  3. Encourage employers in your area to establish adoption benefits
  4. Use an adoption themed Facebook cover. You can find some on our Adoption Fun page
  5. Watch adoption documentary “Stuck”
  6. Nominate a person or organization for Angel in Adoption for 2014
  7. Attend and encourage others to participate in Initial Adoption Information seminar held online.
  8. Work on your child’s LifeBook.
  9. Start a conversation about adoption on social media – be sure to include the hashtag: #adoption.
  10. Purchase fundraising items to help others raise funds for their adoption. Find them on Etsy.
  11. Attend an adoption conference.
  12. Ask your local library to set up a display of adoption-themed books
  13. Read a new adoption book.
  14. Donate adoption themed book to your library or school.
  15. Look into Children’s in Families First Legislation.
  16. Start an Orphan Ministry at your church.
  17. Advocate for adoption with your senator or representative.
  18. Volunteer with MLJ.
  19. Sport some MLJ Gear
  20. Set up a booth at local high school football game (or other sporting/school events) to raise awareness. MLJ can provide informational packets, flyers, etc.
  21. Start a conversation with your family about adoption themes on televsion.
  22. Put together a fundraising effort and donate collected money to adoption or orphan organizations.
  23. Write an adoption related blog for MLJ to post and send to Sheri.
  24. Check out our adoption Pinterest boards or create your own boards.
  25. Print and cut out flag bunting from our Fun page to decorate the house during November
  26. Watch a movie with an adoption theme
  27. Have your family take a picture with CARL & send it to us to put up on facebook
  28. Vote on our celebrating adoption photo contest (stay tuned for details!)
  29. Talk about who the orphan really is
  30. Be an advocate: Join the hope for DRC fb page


Let us know what you and your family chose to do during November; we’d love to hear from you! if you have any ideas on how to further celebrate Adoption Month and bring awareness to adoption please share with us.

Photo Credit: Bre

MLJ Adoptions is a Non-Profit, Hague-Accredited adoption service provider located in Indianapolis, Indiana, working in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Pacific Isles. We are passionate about serving children in need.