Category - Burkina Faso


My Trip to Burkina Faso

In January of this year I traveled to Burkina Faso to meet with our foreign attorneys and various government officials involved in the adoption process.  Traveling to Africa, while exciting, can also be exhausting and hard.  While many find my job and ability to travel internationally thrilling, it can also be challenging. Being away from ...

Update: Special Needs Adoption from Burkina Faso

Several times a year, MLJ Adoptions receives a list of children in Burkina Faso currently waiting to be adopted by families. This list is made available to the families in our Burkina Faso program, specifically those with dossiers already in country. While Burkina Faso does have healthy children under the age of six years old ...

Burkina Faso Adoption Story: Giugliano Family

We are the Giuglianos, Anthony, Jennifer, Maria and Jonathan. Anthony went on a mission trip with our church to Kenya, Africa. During that time he fell in love with the people there and it opened his eyes to so many children that needed forever families. When he returned he shared with me his heart to ...

Another Child Arrives Home from Burkina Faso!

MLJ Adoptions is celebrating with another adoptive family who has completed their adoption process and brought home a child from Burkina Faso! What a wonderful way to begin 2018! The arrival home of this child is MLJ’s second adopted child to complete the adoption process in Burkina Faso and to arrive home in the United ...

What Does Special Needs Look Like in Burkina Faso?

As international adoption has evolved throughout the years, many children in need of families are considered hard to place because they have additional medical needs. Some are considered hard to place merely due to their ages. Countries advocate for their vulnerable children in various ways. Burkina Faso releases special needs lists quarterly in an effort ...

Adoption from Burkina Faso- A 2017 Spotlight!

When we started working in Burkina Faso in 2014, we never could have predicted the success we would witness three years later! Thus far in our program, we’ve seen six children, ages one to fourteen years old, matched with their forever families. This year, MLJ Adoptions received four referrals for single children ranging in age ...

Preparing for Fifteen Days in Burkina Faso

MLJ Adoptions’ Burkina Faso program has been growing in leaps and bounds! For families hoping to adopt from Africa, Burkina Faso is a great option. Burkina Faso is signatory to The Hague Adoption Convention and as such, provides an ethical and transparent adoption process. MLJ Adoptions anticipates the second adopted child to travel home before ...

Support Vulnerable Children in Burkina Faso!

We at MLJ are excited that a second family is nearing completion of their adoption process in Burkina Faso! Our Burkina Faso program has exceeded our expectations with regards to transparency, ethical practices, practices for caring for children in need and waiting timelines for prospective adoptive parents.  To date, three additional families have been matched ...

Current Snapshot of Adopting from Burkina Faso!

MLJ is excited to share that two additional MLJ prospective adoptive families hoping to adopt from Africa received their referrals this month from Burkina Faso! This adds up to seven matches since this program opened! These recently matched families waited seven months and twelve months after dossier submission and registration to Burkina Faso’s Central Authority ...

Special Needs in Burkina Faso

MLJ Adoptions is excited about our adoption program in Burkina Faso and the continued efforts of Burkina Faso’s central authority to place their most vulnerable children! Last week, MLJ received a third special needs list from the office of La Direction des Placements et des Adoptions, Burkina Faso’s central authority. Central authorities or adoption authorities ...

Adopting from Burkina Faso – A Current Snapshot!

It’s an exciting time for families adopting from Burkina Faso with MLJ Adoptions! Since we opened our program in November 2014, we’ve seen tremendous success. Four families have been matched with children in our Burkina Faso program, and one family has brought their son home. No family in the program has waited longer than 12 ...

Adopting from Africa, and the Importance of the Hague Convention

Adopting from Africa looks different than it used to. Mostly because the entire intercountry adoption landscape has changed tremendously from what it was twenty or thirty years ago. Sadly, there has been a dramatic decline in adoptions, as families are finding their options limited due to countries applying tighter restrictions, or even closing programs altogether. A number of ...

Adopting from Africa – Which Country is Right for You?

Adopting from Africa is a popular option for American families seeking to grow their families. They are familiar with the poverty in many African countries, and are eager to meet the needs of vulnerable children. However, deciding on which African country to adopt from is a difficult decision. Unfortunately families quickly realize that critical need ...

Burkina Faso : What Happens During Travel to Bring Our Adopted Child Home?

Once the adoption process is finalized in the courts, and families have waited the mandatory 30-day waiting period and received their Certificate of Non-Appeal (CONA), they will receive their Adoption Order which finalizes their adoption in Burkina Faso. This means that they are now the legal parents of their adopted child! The final steps in the adoption ...

First Child Arrives Home from Burkina Faso!

MLJ Adoptions is thrilled to announce that our first family completed their adoption from Burkina Faso, and arrived home with their son! This is an incredible milestone for the family, as well as an exciting milestone for our organization. We are celebrating this family’s adoption journey and what it means for the future of adoptions ...

What Happens After My Court Process is Completed in Burkina Faso?

MLJ Adoptions is celebrating with our first family to have finalized their legal adoption process in Burkina Faso! This family represents our first family in the Burkina Faso country program to become legal parents of a Burkinabe child! Following up to our last installment of what happens after you receive a referral, we detail here what ...

Adopting from Burkina Faso – A 2016 Program Update!

Families adopting from Burkina Faso in our program had an exciting year in 2016! There can be a number of uncertainties in a pilot program; families are unsure of how long they will wait to be matched, the health of the children who are legally free for adoption, and how long the process will take for ...

MLJ’s Second Family Receives a Referral from Burkina Faso!

Adoption agencies celebrate several milestones that adoptive families achieve during their international adoption processes, and one of the most anticipated ones is when a family is matched with a child in need. Personally, one of the most exciting calls that I make to adoptive parents is calling them to share that they have been matched with ...

Adopt from Burkina Faso! Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Throughout the history of international adoption, many families have had a strong desire to adopt from Africa. With changing adoption laws, it can be difficult to predict which African countries will be options for families seeking to begin their adoption journeys. In November 2014, MLJ Adoptions opened our Burkina Faso program to help meet the ...

What Happens Once We’re Matched with a Child in Burkina Faso?

For families looking to adopt from Africa, Burkina Faso is a wonderful country option. While there are many reasons why this is true, one of them is that Burkina Faso is signatory to the Hague Adoption Convention. When a family adopting from Burkina Faso is matched with a child, the process follows procedures as outlined ...

What Does a Referral from Burkina Faso Look Like?

Receiving a referral is a definite highlight in most families’ adoption journeys! It’s one of the most anticipated moments; waiting, waiting, waiting and then months later, the phone rings and it’s THE REFERRAL! MLJ Adoptions recently had our first family receive a referral in our Burkina Faso program. This family waited seven months to be ...
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