Category - Hosting


Why Should We Participate in Hosting? Two Families Share!

Hello MLJ Adoption families! My name is Katelyn Smith and I recently began an internship with MLJ this past January. I will be helping the program director for Bulgaria and Ukraine, Lydia Tarr. I am excited to get to know and work with the families that are interested in these programs. Though advocating for adoption ...

Finding Families for Children – the Struggles and the Rewards

Working in adoption the past eleven years has afforded me the opportunity to work with many adoptive families, and I have treasured the opportunity.  I feel that I have connected many parents with the child or children that completed their family; however there are times when I need to be reminded that my job is about ...

Fundraising for Hosting

It’s often said that financing is the biggest hurdle to adoption; it may be the same for hosting as well. However, there are some easy funding options to help you get started and to get the word out, so that your friends may share in giving an orphan a life-changing, cultural trip to the United ...

Change a Life By Hosting a Child!

Hosting and adoption from Ukraine are very near and dear to my heart. Hosting a child from Ukraine resulted in our family adopting three of our four Ukrainian children. There have been some challenges in adopting older children; I have had to learn to parent differently and to set different standards than I did for ...

Hosting Program Gives Older Children Opportunities!

Can you find me a family? Can you take me to the United States? These are questions we receive almost inevitably when visiting older children in orphanages. Many older children understand and desire a family. It’s painful to know that so often, we will not be able to find a family for the oldest among ...

Airport Smiles: the Life-Changing Power of the Ukraine Hosting Program

Victoriia Serediuk-Buz joined the MLJ Adoptions team as a legal intern in 2017. Originally from Ukraine, she has been a huge asset in assisting with the Ukraine Hosting Program. I’ve only been with MLJ Adoptions for a short time, but Winter Hosting Program kids’ departure has easily been the greatest experience so far. From the very beginning ...

What Can I Do with my Host Child?

You’re about to have an exciting time with your host child from Ukraine! They will be on their first overseas trip, and will be visiting a new country. You will be bringing a child into your home as you decide if international adoption is for you. You both will be building a new relational bridge ...

What is the Ukraine Hosting Program?

Last winter, MLJ Adoptions reintroduced our Ukraine Hosting Program! We saw tremendous success in the program, both last winter and again this summer. This winter, we will be facilitating another hosting program for children without families from Ukraine to come to the United States and live with a host family for several weeks. What is ...

Ukraine Hosting Program Provides Love of a Family

Meet my friend Angelina. I met her this past December when she was in the United States for just over two weeks participating in a Ukraine Hosting Program from Ukraine. It didn’t take me long – just a couple hours playing and coloring – to realize Angelina’s need for a family. She didn’t just want ...

Openings Exist in our Summer Hosting Program

MLJ is offering a Summer Hosting Program again this year and I have been so excited at the level of interest among loving families interested in opening their homes to children in need. To this point, we only have three openings remaining in the program including two precious girls who would make a welcome addition ...

MLJ Adoptions Can Complete Your Hosting Home Report

Orphan Hosting is a life changing event for many adoptable children around the world as they come to temporarily live with an American family for 2-8 weeks. It allows them the opportunity to experience life and unconditional love in a family, travel outside their country and learn about our culture and language. Hundreds of children ...

Saying Goodbye in the Ukraine Hosting Program

At the conclusion of our Winter Ukraine Hosting Program this year, we gathered at the airport with our host children, their escort and their families. I experienced a familiar knot in my stomach. I have put a child back on an airplane to Ukraine, loving them as my own child and feeling like my heart was ...

Host This Summer for the Love of Sisters!

I want to introduce you to Anna and Olena, two sisters ages 10 and 11 from Ukraine, that will be coming to Indianapolis in July as part of our Summer Hosting Program. Many families are open to hosting one child but seldom do we have families with the interest or the budget to host two ...

4 Reasons to Participate in an Orphan Hosting Program this Summer

MLJ Adoptions will be bringing 12 Ukrainian children to the U.S. from July 11 – August 5, 2016 for our 2016 Summer Hosting Program. We are excited about this opportunity for the children to travel to the U.S., taking a break from institutional life and spending time with a host family. There are many reasons ...

Meeting Your Host Child for the First Time

Each child is different and will experience stress differently depending on the circumstances and even depending on the day. For a child participating in the hosting program, meeting their host family for the first time will be stressful. The host child may be experiencing many emotions at the same time including the following: Exhaustion When you ...

Six Things to Bring When You Meet Your Host Child

Meeting your Ukrainian host child for the very first time can be a nerve-racking experience for both the host family and the host child. Host families will want to keep their expectations of this initial meeting low. Families hosting from Ukraine are meeting a child after they have been on airplanes and in airports for ...

Host Family Needed!

Oleksander and Mykyta (ages 6 & 9) These two adorable brothers are described as being very good boys. Oleksander is quiet and has a mild speech delay. Both boys have many friends, love cars and computers. The brothers will be visiting Indiana as part of our Ukraine Summer Hosting, July 11th through August 5th. Hosting provides ...

MLJ Adoptions Introduces Summer Ukraine Hosting Program

MLJ Adoptions is once again thrilled to announce that we will be offering a Hosting Program and bringing a group of Ukrainian children to the Indianapolis area in July for four weeks! We started the orphan hosting program in 2007 and have brought over 160 children to Indiana and surrounding areas, which resulted in over 130 children finding their forever families.

Photo of the Week

Merry Christmas from MLJ Adoptions! We wish your family a happy and healthy holiday season! If you would like your child to be featured as our Photo of the Week, please email

MLJ Adoptions’ Ukraine Hosting Program Makes a Difference

Today we are happy to welcome a guest post from Annie, a teenager thriving in her adoptive home. She’d love to help other children experience the joy of a loving home this holiday season. MLJ Adoptions still has several openings for our Winter Hosting Program. Dear Advocates for Children in Need, To put this letter ...

What Can We Do to Prepare for our Host Child’s Arrival?

When preparing to host a child from another country there are more ways to prepare than simply getting your host child’s room ready. Here are some other ways to prepare your home and family in advance for orphan hosting. Educate yourself. Pay close attention to the host parent training material, take notes and highlight important ...
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