Initial Information Session – Get Your Questions Answered!


Question from AudienceThe beginning of the adoption process – the information gathering phase – can be overwhelming. There is much to learn and there are many questions that need to be asked.

Which agency is right for our family?

Can we afford this process?

Which country program is a good fit for our family?

What aged child is our family interested in adopting?

Is our family equipped to handle a child with additional needs?

What type of education will we receive?

What is the timeline?

As I talk with prospective adoptive parents, I am asked these questions each day. These are good questions to ask! We enjoy being able to answer these questions and also help families process through questions that are specific to their circumstances. Our initial information sessions provide a great opportunity to get these questions answered. During the seminar, Nicole Skellenger, MLJ Adoptions’ Executive and Adoption Attorney, shares detailed information about the international adoption process, each of MLJ Adoptions’ eight country programs and the risks associated with international adoption. There is time set aside at the end for families to ask any remaining questions.

We invite you to attend our initial information session to have your initial questions answered, to learn new information about international adoption and to connect with an adoptive family. To RSVP for one of our sessions, click here. We look forward to meeting you!

Photo Credit: Sean Dreilinger

Caitlin Snyder works as the Director of Marketing and Outreach for MLJ Adoptions. Working in international adoption has given Caitlin the unique opportunity to pursue both a passion to advocate on behalf of vulnerable people and a profession at the same time.

Caitlin Snyder works as the Director of Marketing and Outreach for MLJ Adoptions. Working in international adoption has given Caitlin the unique opportunity to pursue both a passion to advocate on behalf of vulnerable people and a profession at the same time.