As Program Director for Nicaragua, I am happy to announce that our Nicaragua program is now open to new clients! Over the past few months we have been monitoring the situation in Nicaragua and are seeing positive results! MLJ currently has a family in Nicaragua for their adoption and expect 2-3 more families to travel soon!
Nicaragua adoption won’t be for the faint of heart – the in-country stay of 12 weeks is not possible for every family. But for those who can make it work, the country of Nicaragua is beautiful and the people are so gracious and friendly.
From personal experience, after getting home with your adopted child, life gets very busy….doctors and dental appointments, family and friends visiting, jobs… all demands our time. The positive part of the in-country 12 week stay is the time you get to spend with your child, uninterrupted to bond and attach. It is a great time to slow life down and get to know your child. Nicaragua has many sights to offer to entertain for those who desire. Only one parent has to stay the full time of the process and for those who may be fortunate enough to work from home, Nicaragua has the internet system to make it possible to continue to work.
For more information on adoption from Nicaragua – please contact me at