Thanks to Adoption….


Thanks to Adoption….

Thanks to adoption, my family is able to experience the joys that my adopted children bring to our family every day.

Thanks to adoption, many children find forever families.

Thanks to adoption, there are less children available for child trafficking.

Thanks to adoption, there are less children homeless.

Thanks to adoption, there are more children that have an education.

Thanks to adoption, there are less children dying on the streets.

Thanks to adoption, there are more children with food and medical care.

Thanks to adoption, children have been able to find healing from abuse.

Thanks to adoption, orphans have more of a chance to live.

I have seen hundreds of children in orphanages and hundreds adopted. I have seen starving children, dying children that are then adopted and are transformed through attention, nutrition, education and the love of a family. Thanks to adoption, you can consider another child to love. Join me during National Adoption Month and Thanksgiving and be thankful for adoption!

For more information about international adoption, click here.

MLJ Adoptions is a Non-Profit, Hague-Accredited adoption service provider located in Indianapolis, Indiana, working in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Pacific Isles. We are passionate about serving children in need.