How Do I Start an International Adoption?


adopt internationally

The first step of a journey is often the most difficult. There is fear of the unknown and uncertainty in knowing if you are making the right decision. Your mind is likely full of questions, and answers are not always easy to find, especially in international adoption. If your family is considering international adoption, we suggest the following steps in getting started.

Gather Information

There are endless resources on the internet to consult about international adoption. However, in making such a big decision it can be helpful to reach out and speak to experts directly. Here at MLJ Adoptions we cherish the opportunity to speak with you as you consider growing your family through international adoption. We offer several different ways for you to speak with us directly.

  • If your family resides in the Indianapolis area, visit our website to RSVP for an Initial Adoption and/or Affording Adoption Seminar. Our next adoption information session will be on July 18 at 10:00am in our downtown Indianapolis offices. Specifically, we will be discussing Adopting from Latin America and sharing information about our Nicaragua and Mexico international adoption programs. Featured speakers will include Lydia Tarr, the Program Director for these programs and the Roberts family who brought home their beautiful daughter, Viviana, from Nicaragua.
  • If your family resides outside of the Indianapolis area or are unable to attend an Initial Seminar, you may contact us via email or call 317-875-0058 to schedule an initial consultation.
Select a Program Country and International Adoption  Agency 

Every sending country has different requirements that prospective adoptive families must meet in order to complete an international adoption. You can look at our Countries at a Glance Chart to see the specific requirements for our programs. During an initial consultation with us, our staff will ask you questions about your family to determine which international adoption program might be best for you.

Selecting an international adoption agency is a momentous decision. Why should you choose MLJ Adoptions? We are a team of skilled and dedicated professionals with the expertise necessary to successfully navigate the adoption process and we are passionate about serving children in need.

Start the Process!

Your first step will be selecting a home study agency in your state. We recommend you become an MLJ Adoptions’ Family before selecting your home study agency. We can work with you to ensure that the agency you select is Hague accredited and will produce a home study that will comply with immigration and the sending country requirements. We will complete your home study if you are an Indiana resident.

With careful research, diligent interviews and attention to detail you will get your international adoption journey off to a great start!

Please contact us today about starting your international adoption.

get started on your adoption journey!

Caitlin Snyder works as the Director of Marketing and Outreach for MLJ Adoptions. Working in international adoption has given Caitlin the unique opportunity to pursue both a passion to advocate on behalf of vulnerable people and a profession at the same time.