Category - MLJ Adoptions


Back To School for the Adopted Child

A little boy from an orphanage in Ethiopia is adopted internationally by a US family. He is seven years old and, therefore, very aware of his surroundings and the people around him. He attends a school carefully selected by his new family for its small size which they hope will make it easier for him ...

Vacationing With Children

With summer in full force many of our adoptive families will venture out on the all American family vacation with children in tow. Having just returned myself from just such a getaway, I observed many families attempting to enjoy themselves with faces that revealed stress and frustration rather than relaxation. While I did enjoy myself, ...

The Risk that Your Referred Child is Older than Expected.

International adoption is filled with risks. Some of these risks are well known – procedures may change, a country may close, a birth parent may come forward. Other risks are not well known but are important to consider. One risk that falls into this category is the potential for your referred child to be older ...

Where Is The Greatest Need For International Adoption?

The questions “Where should I adopt from?” and “Where is the greatest need for international adoption?” are often among the first questions that prospective parents ask after deciding on international adoption. Selecting a country program is very personal, and each family looks at a variety of factors in making the right decision for them. As ...

"How Much Did I Cost?" – Navigating Adoption Topics with your School Age Child

Eight and a half years ago, we arrived home with our beautiful six month old baby boy. We completed our adoption before adoption education was required, so we tried to educate ourselves as best as possible. Throughout the adoption process, my husband and I scoured the internet for information on the culture of our son’s ...

Take Pride in Adoption During the 4th of July

Independence Day is by far the most patriotic holiday we celebrate in America. People of all ages and ethnicities come together to rejoice in the freedom we find in the great United States. As fireworks cross the sky and the smell of backyard cookouts fill the air, we stand painted in red, white, and blue ...

Superman: The Power Of Adoption And The Blessing Of Being An Adoptee

I recently had a chance to see the new Superman movie: "Man of Steel" the other day and while being highly entertained I also had a reminder of something I had known all along but had somehow forgotten: Superman (Kal-El or Clark Kent) is adopted. Did you know that Superman was adopted? Without going too ...


Merriam Webster defines courage as: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. We see so many examples of courage in our lives through the media. We have been bombarded with many examples of this just in the last few months due to natural disasters, terrorist attacks and those surviving ...

The Dangers of Blogging During an Adoption

Blogs…we love them, we hang on to their every word, and we can’t wait to see what happens next. Blogs have made their way on to the pre-adoptive family’s top reading list. Families search the internet looking for other adoption stories from Nicaragua or adoptions from Bulgaria, or whichever country they have chosen for their ...

Father's Day Gift Guide

Father’s day is right around the corner and dads can be hard to shop for. We’ve gathered some great gift ideas for Father’s Day that any dad would be proud to have, no matter where he is in the adoption process. For the dad that like’s to travel, this world map on Etsy that shows ...

Celebrating Fathers

As an adoption professional, a large part of my job is soothing the frayed nerves of parents undergoing the international adoption process. The roller coaster of adoption is not for the faint of heart and regardless of how strong a parent feels he or she is, all parents buckle under the pressure, whether they are ...

Speaker Spotlight: Michele Jackson Speaking at National Conference for Adoption

Michele Jackson, Chief Executive Officer of MLJ Adoptions, will be presenting at the 2013 National Conference for Adoption in Orlando, Florida this week. Michele will be presenting to adoption professionals in a presentation titled, Analysis of Risk in an International Adoption Program and Liability Management for Agencies. This session will focus on international adoption and ...

Chick-Fil-A’s WinShape Home Program Helps Foster Children in Need

I was eating Chick-Fil-A during my lunch break at work, and was reading the bag in which I received my food. Printed on the back was a short description of the various foundations that were started by Chick-Fil-A’s creator, Truett Cathy. I’ve always known the famous fast-food chain to be a “good” organization, but the ...

An Orphan – Circumstances of Birth

My niece just turned one. As the newest and youngest member of our family she is showered with love and affection, not only by her parents but also by the rest of her extended family. She is the apple of everyone’s eye in our family. She is blessed to have been born into a family ...

Leigh Anne Tuohy’s TV Show “Family Addition” Will Feature Foster Families

Leigh Anne Tuohy’s inspirational adoption story was portrayed with release of the box-office hit “The Blind Side”. The Tuohy family not only made the difference in the life of their adopted son and NFL super star Michael Oher, but their story has touched the hearts of people around the world. This summer, Leigh Anne Tuohy ...

The International Adoption Application Explained

Many times, prospective adoptive parents spend weeks or even months researching country programs, requirements, and agencies. Submitting an adoption application is the first big step when heading down the path to adoption. An adoption application may seem like a mere formality, but it is a very important tool in screening families to be sure that ...

The Power of One

In the world of adoption, numbers swirl like leaves that have fallen to the ground in autumn. The numbers are staggering and the innocent faces that lie beneath these numbers are heartbreaking. In the U.S. alone, statistics show 400,540 children are living without permanent and loving families. Worldwide, 17.8 million children have lost both parents. ...

Every Child Deserves a Family Act of 2013

In honor of May’s National Foster Care Month, Congressman John Lewis with Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen have reintroduced The Every Child Deserves a Family Act of 2013. This proposed legislation attempts to stop discrimination of foster and adoptive parents based on marital status, sexual orientation or gender identity by eliminating federal funding to those states and ...

Consequences of a Denied Referral

You have dreamed of the child that you would like to add to your family, the one that will "fit" in, and complete the picture in your mind. You imagine how you will spend your days together and grow to love each other. Over time, the image becomes fixed in your mind. What happens when ...

What is a "Social Orphan"?

We often hear that there are anywhere from 143,000,000 to 165,000,000 orphans living in our world. This number is astonishing. What do these numbers represent? These numbers are developed from attempting to account for children that have one or more parent absent and the child is often living with relatives, foster parents, in orphanages or ...

National Missing Children’s Day

Six year old Etan Patz was sent to school May 25, 1979 – and was never seen again. After 22 years of searching for the missing boy, he was legally declared dead in 2001. In November of 2012 Pedro Hernandez was formally charged with Patz’s kidnaping and murder. This horrific incident happens all too often ...
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