Category - MLJ Adoptions


Is Hague Best For Haiti's Children?

On March 2, 2011 Haiti signed the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. The Hague Convention is an international agreement between participating countries with the goals of protecting the best interests of children in intercountry adoption, and preventing the exploitation and trafficking of children. By signing the ...

Adoptions and Celebrities

The US Department of Homeland Security reports that in 2009, 12,782 orphaned children were adopted internationally by US citizens. These statistics seem, sadly, very low considering the current US population. The media, very rarely, reports on these adoptions, unless a celebrity or famous individual was the adoptive parent and for the majority of us, we ...


Sometimes I see them again. I am walking around the orphanage, wearing my daughter in a baby carrier. She is looking out, seemingly disconnected from the familiar scenes. My arms are around her. I kiss her shorn head from time to time and softly stroke the bug-bitten pale face. My husband is close, quiet, and ...

International Adoption Referral: What Does That Mean?

During my work with MLJ Adoptions, I often use the term “referral” when talking with current and prospective adoptive parents, and I can forget that we all need a reminder about what truly is a “referral”. A referral in the typical sense is a child that has been shown to a prospective adoptive family and ...

St. Patrick's Day And Adoption Parenting

Adoptive parents often wonder how they should combine their own cultural traditions with that of their children. There’s an easy lesson in the history of St. Patrick’s Day, which comes from the religious significance of Lent (read Adoption Preparation and Mardi Gras). According to Roman Catholic church teaching, the forty days prior to Easter are ...

Inspired by Bieber to Change the World

Kaitlyn DeVeydt is a Freshman at Brebeuf Jesuit who has been inspired by one of her favorite singers – teen heartthrob Justin Bieber. The most popular 17 year-old in the world is being an answer to the prayers of people in need all around the world. In Justin Bieber’s newest song “Pray”, he sings about ...

UNICEF – Friend or Foe to International Adoption?

UNICEF – Yes the organization that sells the children’s cards and ties. As I read UNICEF’s policies and missions, I wholeheartedly agree! My mission my whole adult life has been to help children. While I am far from being an amazing humanitarian and advocate for children yet, it has none the less been my life’s ...

Adoption as a Ministry

“To minister” as defined by Noah Webster is “to attend and serve, to give things needful, to supply the means of relief, and to relieve.” I was once warned by a well-meaning advisor not to look at our adoption as a “project.” Initially I ignored this unsolicited advice even though it stung a little bit; ...

Adoption Preparation and Mardi Gras

Next week, hundreds of thousands of people will descend upon New Orleans to celebrate Mardi Gras. Millions more will use the holiday as an excuse to take time away from work, relax and enjoy traditional food and drink. Yet, many do not know the origin of this festival, and its relationship to faith and family. ...

Choosing a Hague Accredited Adoption Agency

Choosing an adoption agency is not an easy task. Once a family has committed to begin the process of intercountry adoption, they are faced with choosing which agency and program will be best. This is often a daunting task of pouring over websites and info packets, interviews, and free seminars. It is important to note ...

How One Superbowl Commercial Could Help Orphans

It’s Superbowl Sunday! And while many are psyched about the actual game, just as many people tune in to watch the commercials. Do you know that the average 30-second Superbowl commercial costs 3 million dollars JUST TO AIR? Growing up I heard the cost of these commercials and just kind of shrugged them off thinking ...

"Love Medicine" Review

A couple of weeks ago a close friend sent me an email. She asked me to read an article featured in Good Housekeeping this month. As readers of this review, many do not know my friend but she is a trusted source in my research of older child adoption. A adoptive mother for five years ...

Child Adopted While Mother Jailed For Illegal Immigration

The story of the four year old boy caught between his U.S. adoptive parents and his biological mother is heartbreaking. I don’t think there can really be a winner or a loser in this story. Adoption is an amazing process that provides children without biological parents that are able to parent them, to have a ...

Oprah Discovers How Adoption Has Touched Her Family

What happens when a celebrity finds out that they have a long-lost sibling who was placed for adoption? Well, it makes great television, of course! Oprah’s recent announcement on her show that she had a half-sister who was placed for adoption by their mother scored great ratings and brought many questions surrounding adoption to the ...

IHNFA Sees Passion For Children And Adoption On Indiana Visit

At the end of January, MLJ Adoptions had the fortunate opportunity to host the Director and Secretary general of Instituto Hondureño de la Niñez y la Familia (IHNFA). This organization is a governmental agency of Honduras that deals with child and family issues. While visiting Indianapolis, Maria Suyapa Nuñez Martinez and Ivonne Torres had the ...

Sometimes: a poem

Sometimes…………. all I can think about is adopting another child or two soon. Sometimes I sit and I think maybe should start all the paperwork again in the next couple of months? Renew the homestudy? Use forms before they expire? Fundraise for another adoption? And I start thinking…. my hands are so full. I can’t ...

Adding to Our Adoption Team

MLJ Adoptions, Inc. is excited to announce that we are looking for people to fill two to three new positions on our team. Our programs continue to grow, and more help is needed to ensure we provide efficient and attentive services to our clients. We are looking to fill two administrative positions – one in ...

Heads of Adoption in Honduras to Visit Indianapolis

Heads of International Adoption in Honduras to Visit Indianapolis January 20-21st The Director and Secretary General of Instituto Hondureño de la Niñez y la Familia (IHNFA) have rescheduled their visit to Indianapolis for January 20th and 21st. IHNFA is the federal government entity that governs all children and family issues for Honduras. The Director and ...

Clients Bring Run For Congo Women to Indy

In the summer of 2010, the Hall and Kulenkamp families completed adoptions of new daughters from the Democratic Republic of Congo through the MLJ Adoptions program. Last Fall, Bonnie Kulenkamp organized Team Hope to participate in the Run for Congo Women held in Lincoln Park, Chicago. This Spring, Bonnie and Ami Hall are organizing the ...


I met the little girl that we are (hopefully) adopting over two years ago. I lived at her Hogar (a home for children) for three months, and she just grabbed a hold of my heart in a really special way. I remember noticing her my first week there. She was quiet and unengaged. She would ...

His Name: A Christmas Poem

He lay in the straw, for he hadn’t a bed No pillow on which to lay his precious head He smelled of the livestock, and was covered in grime There was no telling when he would bathe the next time He was born in a world that didn’t want him around And he ached with ...
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